She seems to really like being at Geraldine's house during the day. She's always really happy and alert on the ride home and plays with us until her bathtime. She can no longer be trusted to sit on the couch by herself since she now launches forward and rolls onto her face.
She's so cute in the mornings - all smiles and coos. She hangs out in her Bumbo on the kitchen floor while we pack our lunches and get her stuff together. She just sits there and smiles as we walk by her. So stinking cute.
She refused to look normal for the camera - every time I focused on her, she made a weirdo face, like this:

She knows she's cool (Nash and Mota - can you read what the shirt says?)

She loves hanging out in her jumperoo when we get home

Check out the 2nd chin and the arm dimples. It's her milk fat!

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