She's getting plenty to eat, we're feeding her every 2 hours, and she's had PLENTY of dirty diapers. And man does she scream bloody murder if she's wet. I'm hoping this mean it'll be easy to potty train her - I know that's way off in the future, but I'm always thinking ahead.
Here are a couple of pics of the StasMonster in her isolette/tanning bed.
Stasa's stylish biliband mask - she needs it to protect her eyes from the bili lights. That little sliver of blue light underneath her is the biliblanket. They want to get as much of her exposed to the lights as possible. And man is that blanket warm! They should make them in adult sizes.
Stasa's big foot almost hanging out of the isolette. She's completely content in this picture - full and dry - two of her favorite things.
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