I'm applying for the flexwork program at work. I'm hoping to only work four 10 hour days a week and have the fifth day off. We're hoping this will help us save on childcare. I'm thinking we should start a childcare fund that people can donate money to. For now just send donations to our house (we accept all major credit cards). =]
I also think it would be fun to have a pool to guess the sex, weight and birthdate of the baby. Let me know what you think and I'll post some info about it, like our family history, my estimated due date, etc.
And you know what? Someone actually accused me of pushing my belly out to make it look bigger than it is. Yeah, I wish that were the case. Then I'd be able to still wear my old clothes. I must say I love LOVE love my Secret Fit Belly jeans. They are the most comfortable pants I've ever worn. I might even wear them for every Thanksgiving meal from now on - they're what my friend Geraldine calls "all you can eat" pants.
Front of the house and view of the living room/dining room:
One view of the kitchen and one of the weirdo closets:
here's my guess for baby merkel:
Birthdate: Feb 2, 2009 (who wouldn't want to stay in Kari's belly an extra week?)
Weight: 9 pounds, 8 ounces
Length: 22 inches
Sex: Girl
Name: Stella
Here's my guess:
Birthdate: January 22nd, 2009
Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz.
Length: 19 inches
Sex: boy
Name: Thomas James
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