According to thenest.com the baby is the size of a lemon (or a clenched fist) this week. Right now the little booger is covered in lanugo, a fine downy coating, and will keep this until it starts putting some fat on its little body. My baby's just like bigfoot. Everything I'm reading says the baby is moving all of the time now (like a ballet dancer) and that I might feel flutters when the baby moves, but I haven't felt anything yet. I'm still exhausted at the end of the day, but am making it through without the need of a nap, so maybe that 2nd trimester burst of energy is here. My back is killing me by the end of the day and I have heartburn all of the time.
On another note, we've been looking for furniture for the nursery (crib, dresser, changing table), but everything's so expensive! If you come across something that sounds reasonable, please send it along. So far we've bought a glider and ottoman for $25 off of craigslist. The frame is in great condition, but the cushions could stand to be washed. We're also still looking for a good daycare option. We're on the waitlist for 3 different places and will probably get into 1 in May 2009, but they don't have a partial week option, you have to pay for 5 days. I would like to find either a place for 3 days a week or an in home person (but where do you find those???). It's amazing how many things we need to get in place before the little one comes out.
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