We've got a mini-vacation at the beach coming up, but other than that we've been laying low this summer and just enjoying time at the pool, splash pad and just being outside. Camp days have really been taking it out of Stasa and she often falls asleep on the drive home - and it's only like a 10 minute drive. She's also loving all the different things they do at camp - art, games, field trips - MY GOODNESS the field trips - the fact that she gets to ride on a legit school bus for trips makes her so happy. The little things. They spend as much time outside as possible and even with her applying sunscreen three or four times a day she's gotten such a dark tan. ::sigh:: I miss summer vacation.
We looked into putting Lexi at the same summer camp, but her age group only had half days and that just wouldn't work for any of us, so she's doing summer camp at daycare. They've upped the ante this year and are having fun things every day. Each night she asks me to check her calendar so she knows what to expect the next day. And I'm almost afraid to say it lest I jinx myself, but Lexi is like a different child. She listens more, is pleasant most of the time, kind and helpful without throwing a fit. We started a new behavior reward system at the start of the summer and weren't sure if it would make a difference, but I think the combination of that and maybe just her getting older has helped. I love watching her play with Tommy - they almost always get along nicely...it only falls apart if he's being a stinker or if Stasa crashes their play time. I'm learning that two together is fine, but three is truly a crowd and causes chaos. That isn't to say that the three of them can never play nicely together because they can, but sometimes, just sometimes I think they go all apeshit just to drive me up the wall. It's like they want to see how far they can push poor mommy until she breaks and loses it.
So...lately we've just been enjoying family time while we're still a family of five.