The girls actually slept in a bit on Christmas morning, well technically Stasa woke up around 3:00 am, but I pulled her into our bed so we could all sleep a bit longer. She finally woke us all up around 7:00 am and then I heard Lexi chirping and jumping in her bed. The girls were both so excited when they peeked downstairs and saw that Santa had brought presents.
Stasa had all of her presents open in under 20 minutes. Lexi was the opposite and opened each gift by ripping tiny pieces of paper off of each one. Then after the gift was open, she wanted to play with it. It took a lot of convincing to put the toys aside so she could finish opening her gifts. Once they tore through everything, we gave them their stockings so we could sit and open our gifts (and I could actually enjoy my coffee). I got Tom some Redskins books and Masaad Ayoob books as well as all of the Redskins Super Bowls on DVD AND something I'm sure I won't enjoy: North and South, a civil war mini-series starring Patrick Swayze. Tom surprised me with a new camera lens (18mm to 135mm), something I've been wanting for a long time to let me get wider shots of the girls playing. Plus it's super helpful with two very active girls who are always on the move - I can stay where I am and keep snapping by just zooming in or out. I still love my 50mm and that will always by my preferred lens for low light situations and portraits. But I do love the versatility the 18-135 lens offers. Tom also got me two new charms for my Pandora bracelet: a tiny baby carriage and a snowman (from Santa).
Stasa's favorite gift? The Ariel purse she's been asking for every day for the past six months. But she also loved her new Ariel underwear.
Lexi's favorite? I'm pretty sure it's this hand-me-down Raggedy Andy doll, who she calls Sandy. She carries him around everywhere now and he's a regular friend at bedtime. Mimi gave both girls new sheets with their names embroidered on the pillowcases. I so want Stasa's new microfiber sheets - they're so soft and warm. They also got little fairy figurines from Mimi. Those fairies have been "flitter-flitter-flying" all over our house since Tuesday night. And apparently they live in the Christmas tree. YiaYia gave the girls beautiful dresses for Christmas which they wore for dinner with the family.
My heart was full that day. The holidays are a million times more fun with kids. They really bring back the magic and excitement.