She's got her 8 front teeth and most of her one year molars are in, though they're taking their sweet time to come all the way through, causing her to constantly gnaw on her fist, which then causes her to have tons of tiny cuts on her hands.
She sleeps through the night and has been since she was about 10 or 11 months old. When she does wake up, it's only her grunting a bit or rolling over to get more comfortable.
She's a goooooood eater. I mean the kid can hoover food and if she's really hungry, she finishes her own meal before I get through a quarter of mine and next thing I know she's grabbing my meal. But if her teeth are really bugging her (or if Stasa distracts her), she won't eat at all and instead shakes her head no and dances in her chair.
She says a few words, mostly mama or mommy, dada or daddy, DAH-DAH (for Stasa), bah (for ball), uh-oh (for when she wants to drop something lol), bubble, and baby.
She love love loves her big sister and runs right to her room after I get her out of the crib in the morning. If Stasa's somewhere, Lexi's not far behind. We drop Stas off first at daycare and Lexi always stops and gives Stasa a big kiss and hug. She doesn't even give us a kiss goodbye.
She's so loving toward her baby doll and carries that thing around everywhere. Apparently she takes responsibility for all of the baby dolls at daycare, too. She'll walk her baby around, put her baby to bed, pat her back, and wrap her in a blanket.
She HATES the pool for the first 30 minutes and then slowly warms up to the water. And even after she's warmed up, she still hates any and all floaties and inner tubes.
She's so smart. I know every parent says that about their child, but really, she is. She understands a lot of what we say and follows directions really well. When we come downstairs in the morning, she sits down and tries to put her shoes on. Same thing when we come home. Plops down on the landing and takes off her shoes AND puts them away.
She's a serious daddy's girl and calls for him all day at day care. DAAAAAAADDY! DADA? DADA? DAAAAAADDDYY! If he's downstairs cooking and we're upstairs playing, she stands at the gate calling down to him.