Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Long weekend, definitely enjoyed

I love a nice long weekend, but I think I need an extra weekend to recover from my holiday weekend. We did a little of everything this weekend, but spent a good portion of our time at the pool, hence my suncrisped shoulders today.

Saturday we took advantage of the Memorial Day sales and snagged a new mattress for Stasa's room and one for one of our guest rooms. Stasa and I checked out the tempurpedic mattresses while Tom and Lexi checked out and OHMYGOD I think I need one. With the built in massagers.

I also took Stas to her last dance class of the year (until the fall). We stopped and bought Miss Kayleigh some thank you flowers before class. All we have left now is dress rehearsal this Friday and then the recital on Sunday. Then our Saturday mornings are freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

After that, we just hung out at the pool.

Saw some of Vince's art show...

And then more pool

(sleeping baby at the pool is the best, isn't it?)

And even more pool

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Snore

Tonight we had a severe thunderstorm warning, though even now as I lay in bed there has yet to be any rain. But there was a little bit of lightning and thunder while I was putting Stasa to bed. She jumped up and asked what made that noise and I explained that it was the sky telling us that it was going to rain. Normally she's thrilled when it rains because rain means erring to wear rain boots and a rain coat and using an umbrella.

Well this time she was terrified and insisted that the noise was a "snore," this monster tht was going to get her. She made me "call" the doctor to tell him to get the "snore" and I had to give her a million and one kisses an even then she still came downstairs for more hugs and kisses. It wasn't even thundering anymore. We finally got her back into bed and Tom worked while I vegged on the couch.

After my show I climbed upstairs and went to check on the girls like I always do only Stasa wasn't in her room. I walked down the hall to our room and flipped the light switch. Lo and behold there she was. All tucked in on daddy's side. We didn't even hear her creep down the hall into our room and we never miss her getting out of bed. I guess she figured that the "snore" wouldn't get her in mommy and daddy's room. I get that logic. And I didn't have the heart to move her back to her bed since she needs some extra snuggle time.

 It's finally raining. I love Sleeping with the windows open during a quiet rainstorm. The rain muffles all other sounds and all I hear is rain drops. And this is a soft pitter patter rain and I feel like I could lay here forever listening to the rain and snuggling my "baby."


Monday, May 14, 2012

Discipline. It's not working.

Okay, so maybe I'm being a little melodramatic with that title, but seriously? This whole discipline thing is exhausting. Or this age is exhausting. Or something. Let me try to explain.

I thought we were done with the "terrible twos," but it seems they have been picked up for an additional year. Only this time they come with a very strong opinion. Stasa isn't bad, she's just occasionally naughty. But when she is, it's bad. For instance, we'll go a long while with her being her normal cheerful, sometimes stubborn self and then BAM we'll have a night (and sometimes longer) of her refusing to cooperate or listen. We're not super strict and, in my opinion, we let a lot slide, but she goes in a three minute time-out any time she hits, attempts to bite, pinches, name-calls, or refuses to listen after the count of three. Only she won't sit in time-out, so we're constantly picking her up and setting her back down in the time-out spot, the front hall step. Over and over and over again. Sometimes if she's really angry she swipes at us or pretends to bite (because she knows not to really bite - been there, done that) or pinches. And recently she's started up with the whole "you're stupid" stuff. I'm almost positive she picked that one up from daycare from spending her morning time in the school-age room (they combine in the early morning). I told her teacher about it and she swore that those kids aren't saying that when Stasa's in the room. The next day her teacher pulled us aside to tell us that Stasa called her stupid and asked that we speak to Stasa about that.

Well, I'm pretty sure she's still at the age where discipline or discussion should happen immediately, not hours later and this teacher is new to the school, so we're still figuring her out. We did talk to Stasa and asked her not to say that word to people. We're working on getting her to say "I'm mad" when she feels like name-calling or hitting, but it's a huge work in progress. I told the teacher and director that they should put her in a three minute time-out when she name-calls, and I was told that they don't do time-outs, instead they provide her with a different word or phrasing.

Now, I know if anything you've got to be super consistent when it comes to discipline or it won't be effective. We've been adopting daycare's method of supplying her with a different word and being more kind, like when she tells us "I'm not your friend," we say "That's your choice, but I'll always be your friend." She's starting to drop that one and when she does say it, she announces afterward that it's her choice.

So here's where I'm struggling: this whole time-out thing works some days and others feel like a never-ending time-out. We're not into corporal punishment, so we won't be switching to spanking or anything like that. It's just not our style. Besides that, what else have you found that's effective? I'm wondering if three is too young to start a sticker chart or a red light/yellow light/green light chart.

This past Saturday was by far her best day ever and I tried to catch her and praise her when she was being really good without being asked, like when she shared a favorite toy with Lexi or got ready to leave the house without us asking for shoes to be put on a million and one times.

Oh! And please please please share your "how to calm myself down" techniques. Right now I count in my head and think about breathing, but it would be nice to have some other methods.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

I promise I haven't forgotten about this blog. My work's been a bit busy right now and by the time we get home and get the kids to bed, I'm ex-haust-ed. And I have some stuff I want to blog about, mostly to get out some frustration with toddlerhood and to get some advice or tips or tricks or drink recipes. But for now I'll focus on the current "holiday."

I had a fantastic Mother's Day weekend. Fantastic. I don't even remember what I did Friday night, but I got a solid night of sleep and Tom took Stasa to dance class on Saturday morning so I could relax with Lexi. And then Stasa had her absolute best day ever. I didn't want to say anything all day because I didn't want to jinx it because we've had some hard days with her (which will be another blog post). Since it was so so gorgeous out, we walked to the playground, played for a long while, and then walked home (and scored at a yard sale on the way - 27 pieces of clothing for $12!). After their nap we took them back outside to play in the baby pools. Lexi was not a fan of being splashed; she wants to be the splashER. Stasa had a blast and ran between the two pools the whole time. Stasa even went to the grocery store with Tom after dinner (and she ate it all, too) and then happily took a quick shower and passed out. I was in awe of how well behaved and how thoughtful she was all day. Such a sweetheart to us and to Lexi. We caught her being nice to Lexi (without us asking), like really nice and I called her over and told her what a nice big sister she was and told her I had a treat for her. She was thrilled and proud and kept saying "I'm a good sister. I'm nice."

Tom took care of the kids this morning so I could sleep in and sleep in I did. Until 9:00. I haven't slept that late for a long time. Usually sleeping in means 7ish. Once I had a chance to fully wake up, we got ready and left to pick up Tom's parents for brunch. Lexi was a bit of a diva, but did a 180 once she got some food in her belly. After brunch and nap we just spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing with the girls. Oh, and I was serenaded by my family band. Lexi was drumming, Tom was on guitar, and Stasa, being the diva she is, was the lead singer.