Stasa dumped her shoe bin on the floor, but then neatly lined all of her shoes up in a row.
We've decided to get Stasa one big gift for Christmas and have all of the smaller gifts be part of that, so she'll be getting a play kitchen as her big gift and food, pots, pans, and other kitchenware as the smaller ones. I think I'm pretty set on getting this kitchen for her. I love that it's wood and a little shorter and it's just so cute.
We bought a few things of plastic food from the $1 section at Target and I'm busy making a bunch of felt food now. So far I've finished a lime, a kiwi, an orange & slices, carrots, potatoes, and an onion. I'm using these patterns that my friend sent me and they're fairly easy to follow. I've modified a couple to make the vegetables a bit larger, but for the most part I'm using the patterns as is.
I'm also going to make her a couple of toddler-sized aprons and maybe some tiny dishtowels. I think she's going to love playing house in her new kitchen and am so excited for Christmas now!
I went in for my monthly appointment this morning and saw the new OBGYN, Dr. Shin. She was really nice and helpful and gave me a list of pediatricians since I'm not at all happy anymore with our family care practice. Baby Merkel's heartbeat was strong at 148 and even kicked the monitor while we were listening. My blood pressure was excellent (according to the nurse) and I've only gained a total of a few pounds so far (excellent according to Dr. Shin).
Tom and I go in this afternoon for the big ultrasound and will have lots of pictures to share after that. Of course, there will be no learning or sharing of the baby's sex...not until April 2!