Wednesday, March 31, 2010

40 years of Sesame Street

Tom and I found a Sesame Street compilation set at Target for $20 and couldn't pass it up. 40 years and 5 hours of Sesame Street?! I figured it was worth every penny. I'm starting to regret our purchase now that I find myself singing the silly songs at my desk.

Here are some of my favorites.

It really is worth the $20 - there are so many great segments.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More playtime and the ZOO!

Stasa kept bringing me my jacket so I thought it would be fun to have her wear it. She ended up looking like Alvin, Simon and Theodore.

March 23 2010 002

And she finally fit into the overalls that Theo Peter and Aunt Tiffany gave her. They're just too cute for words (the overalls, not Theo Peter, lol).

March 23 2010 021

And look how old she looks here!

March 23 2010 026

The only way to eat is stuffing your whole hand in your mouth, right?

March 23 2010 039

El Zoo

Waiting for Audrey to arrive
March 23 2010 043March 23 2010 044

She's here! Let's get this show on road!
March 23 2010 045March 23 2010 046

Already passed out.
March 23 2010 066

LUNCH: animal shaped chicken nuggets, of course.
March 23 2010 067March 23 2010 070

Strollin' through
March 23 2010 074March 23 2010 075
March 23 2010 110March 23 2010 112

It begins...

Little Miss Independent has become Little Miss Stubborn. Yesterday evening while I was putting away her clean clothes she got into her shoe bin and rediscovered her Santa slippers from Natassa. She immediately walked over to me, handed me the slippers and sat down, feet in the air. They barely fit, but I managed to squeeze her piggies in them.

And off she went, happy as a clam, until it came time to put her pajamas on and the slippers had to come off. To appease her Tom put the stupid slippers back on her feet and she was instantly happy again. "Fine," I thought. "Let her sleep in the damn things." I mean they usually come off in her sleep anyway.

Imagine my surprise when they were still securely on her feet this morning. Boy, it was a lot of fun getting her dressed and trying to put real shoes on her feet. She was hysterically crying because mean mama wanted to put actual shoes on her feet instead of silly Santa slippers. I finally gave up and shoved the slippers back on.

STUBBORN. It's a Merkel and Taves trait, but there must be a mutant strain of Stubborn in our little sasspot, Stasa.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today, on the Stasa Channel...

Playing around

Naughty, naughty girl...

Giraffe's are hungry, too, didn't you know?



"Mama, want some bears?"

Life is so hard when you're one.

Chatty Stasa

Monday, March 15, 2010

Our sick weekend, in pictures

Stasa and I have both been sick, so it hasn't been the most fun of weekends, but we did manage to play in between meltdowns.


March 11 2010 003

March 11 2010 002

March 11 2010 001

March 11 2010 004

March 12 2010 020


March 12 2010 002

March 12 2010 010

March 12 2010 006

March 12 2010 011


March 13 2010 003

March 13 2010 006


March 14 2010 001

March 14 2010 005

March 14 2010 007

I promise videos soon.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010


Happy birthday to me!

Stasa and I are going to spend the day with our mommy friends at Amy's house and then Emily, Lesli, Traci and their toddlers are coming over for a slumber party!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


My poor poor toe. Two weeks ago I tripped over a package of diapers and twisted my big toe as I landed. My diaper toe and I went to the ER that night only to find out that I had only bruised my toe and foot. Well, it's still swollen and just the thought of stuffing it in a shoe makes me wince in pain. I went to my doctor and she suggested a trip to the orthopaedist. Of course the ortho's next opening is NEXT week, so I'm seeing the physician's assistant tomorrow morning.

Unfortunately, I just tripped walking up the stairs and I'm afraid I did more damage to the toe because it is now KILLING me. I should be suspended from moving.

My poor poor toe.

Update: I have an appointment with the ortho this afternoon. I am now going to go lay down and writhe in pain.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Surprise at Costco

Look at what greeted us after our Costco trip:

Yes, that's our car on the right, CLEARLY within the parking spot lines. Tom and I were furious. We wanted to leave a note, something along the lines of "You hit us. We took a picture. It's being sent to the police. Have a nice day.", but we couldn't find any paper and Stasa was cranky.

Luckily there was no damage, but that van was LITERALLY on our car. I guess one of us should have marched back into the store to have them paged. What freaking IDIOTS.


We spent all day yesterday cleaning and reorganizing our utility/storage room and I'm happy with our newly organized space. I then spent the rest of the afternoon vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing and mopping our downstairs area. Now I just have 1 more closet to reorganize and I'll be DONE.

Before the cleaning frenzy started, Stas and I spent Saturday at the Annapolis Mall with Lauren, Audrey, Emily and Topher. I was worried for a minute that I would have to drive over a bridge to get there, but I lucked out. I really hate driving over bridges. I'm always afraid that I'll be blown off or if it's a drawbridge, I always think the mechanism is going to break and I'll fall in.

At least now the house is ready for the mamas and their toddlers. I'm so excited that everyone's coming to stay and play this weekend! Now I just need to finish planning the low-carb menu - have any suggestions?