Little Miss Independent has become Little Miss Stubborn. Yesterday evening while I was putting away her clean clothes she got into her shoe bin and rediscovered her Santa slippers from Natassa. She immediately walked over to me, handed me the slippers and sat down, feet in the air. They barely fit, but I managed to squeeze her piggies in them.
And off she went, happy as a clam, until it came time to put her pajamas on and the slippers had to come off. To appease her Tom put the stupid slippers back on her feet and she was instantly happy again. "Fine," I thought. "Let her sleep in the damn things." I mean they usually come off in her sleep anyway.
Imagine my surprise when they were still securely on her feet this morning. Boy, it was a lot of fun getting her dressed and trying to put real shoes on her feet. She was hysterically crying because mean mama wanted to put actual shoes on her feet instead of silly Santa slippers. I finally gave up and shoved the slippers back on.
STUBBORN. It's a Merkel and Taves trait, but there must be a mutant strain of Stubborn in our little sasspot, Stasa.