Check out that belly! Tom and I are amazed at how much she's changed - it seems like it was overnight. Stasa now prefers to walk instead of crawling so today we went with Aunt Peggy to get her some big girl shoes. She happily played all day with pieces of Tupperware and was walking all over the kitchen. So now we might wrap empty boxes AND Tupperware for her to open on Christmas morning!
Stasa is also quite the daredevil and refuses to stay seated in the bathtub. She loves giving her mama a heart attack.

The only way I could get her to sit still was letting her suck on the washcloth. Yes, I know, "ewww." Oh well.

Look at all of her little hairs!

And we always have playtime in her room after bathtime. Poor piggy.

See how she "reads?"

Eating waffles with just a little bit of syrup for breakfast.