Here are some pictures from our afternoon at home.
Stasa on her new blanket, knitted by Courtney
We had a pretty good night last night. Stasa went to bed for the night around 10:00 PM and stayed asleep until 2:30 AM. Then, after a couple of diaper changes a feedings, she slept until 8:15 AM. AND she woke up nicely - no crying or screaming. She was just laying there, still fully swaddled (I do a pretty tight swaddle) "talking" to herself. She didn't even fuss during her diaper change. I hope she's this good all day - we're visiting work and having lunch with Tom.
Listen very carefully and you'll be able to hear Stasa torpedoing in her diaper (it's when she gets the serious look on her face). Stasa, I apologize in advance for posting your poops online.