Friday, February 27, 2009

Another play date

Stasa and I had a play date with Geraldine and Nia today at Tyson's. We had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and then walked around for 2 1/2 hours - it was a great work-out! I had a lot of fun (Stasa got a good nap in while we were walking around) and can't wait until we can meet up again.

Here are some pictures from our afternoon at home.
Stasa on her new blanket, knitted by Courtney

Tummy time!

Mommy and Stasa

Thursday, February 26, 2009

6 Weeks Old

Stasa's accomplishments at 6 weeks:

1. Starting to sleep through the night
2. Almost lifting her head 45 degrees during tummy time
3. Smiling at the wall, lights and windows
4. Soaking through at least 10 diapers a day
5. Graduating to size 1 diapers (she can still fit newborn, but I refuse to buy another pack and only use 1/2 of them)
6. Kicking off my hands to scoot on the floor

I'm most excited about her first accomplishment because it means I'm no longer a Zombie Mommy, which makes us both happy. Stasa's staying awake most of the day now. She takes a short morning nap and a longer afternoon nap each day and is down for the night by 10:00 PM (we start her bedtime routine at 8:30 PM and some nights it takes a bit longer to put her to sleep). We've been having a lot of fun lately and have been going on play dates and other outings. Today we went on our first walk to the Safeway and back. It wasn't very long, but it was nice to get some fresh air for a bit.

I go to my 6 week post partum appointment tomorrow and then Stasa has her 6 week appointment on March 3rd (two days before Cinco de Marcho).

Last night... pictures.
Playing with Daddy - I don't know why she has that look on her face - she was really enjoying bouncing.

Relaxing on Daddy

Watching American Idol with Mommy (there was nothing else on - we don't have cable)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Play date

Stasa had a play date with her friend, Henry, at Borders today. Henry and Stasa slept through most of their play date, so Henry's mom, Amy, and I had a chance to catch up and have coffee. After Amy and Henry left (they had to get ashes), Stasa and I went hunting for books. Stasa picked out 3 of my favorites - The Monster At The End Of This Book, Where The Wild Things Are and The Lorax. Sadly, there were no new Olivia books. And they didn't have Pee-ew! Is That You, Bertie? so we'll have to order that one.

What are your favorite children's books?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lotus birth

I was telling some of you about this woman I read about who didn't believe in cutting the umbilical cord. Instead she kept the placenta attached to her babies and stored it in a velvet placenta bag until it the cord fell off naturally. Here's her website (I told you I wasn't making this up).

Monday, February 23, 2009

Play time

Here are some pictures and videos from today's afternoon tummy time.
Stasa playing with her new mirror toy

Hey cutie!
Taking a break in her bouncer

If you put your hand against the bottom of Stasa's feet, she'll push off and scoot across the floor. I can't wait for her to start using her arms and really crawling.

Wake up time

Here's a short video of Stasa starting to wake up. I love her face when she stretches.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

STTN! (sleeping through the night)

We started Stasa's bedtime routine about an hour later than usual last night and mixed it up a bit. We gave her a shower instead of a bath and it really helped calm her down. After eating and listening to a few stories, Tom and I rocked her to sleep and then went and crashed in our own bed. We didn't wake up until 6:00 AM when Stasa started stirring.

Yep, she slept through the night AGAIN! Go, Stasa!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mommy's Little Monster

Yesterday she was Daddy's Honey Bunny, but today she's Mommy's Little Monster (wearing another pair of her Baby Legs).

Friday, February 20, 2009

Baby Legs

I couldn't resist buying these cute Baby Legs at Target the other day. They're basically leg warmers for babies, but they can be worn on the arms as they get older. Isn't she a cutie in them?

Tummy time

Stasa had tummy time with Daddy last night and even the cat decided to join in. Stasa's getting really good at lifting and turning her head. And she's really trying to scoot around on the floor. It was so cute to see the cat rolling around on the floor near Stasa - she (the cat) kept looking at her and stretching out her paws to reach her. Every time I grabbed the camera, she would stop.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Three Generations

Debra Lee

Kari Lee

Anastasia Lee

5 weeks old

She's getting so big! I think it's funny that she's always staring at the pile of pillows next to her when I take her weekly picture. I've been trying to get a "social smile" out of her, but so far I have only gotten strange looks. But that's okay because I'm not afraid to act the fool. I'll get a smile out of her sooner or later.

1 step foward, 2 steps back

She was up at 12:00 and then again at 3:00 last night. And then up for the day at 7:00. Le sigh.

We'll just keep up with our bedtime routine and she's bound to catch on. For now we'll be taking a nice nap today so I'm not a zombie mom.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Still not a fan

We've started our bedtime routine this week - bath, bottle, book, bed. Well, I usually just take Stasa into the shower with me, but I thought we'd try an actual bath so Tom could be a part of bedtime, too.

As you can see from the picture, she still hates bath time. But as soon as we turned the water back on to rinse her off, she stopped crying. I think she likes the sound and feel of running water. As upset as she was during the bath it must have calmed her down because she could barely get through her bottle and book. She's know sleeping peacefully and hopefully will stay that way until at least 2:00 or 3:00 AM (or 5:00 or 6:00 AM if I'm really lucky).

Picture time

Here are a couple of pictures from our day.
Stasa hanging out on the couch

Me wearing Stasa in my Ultimate Baby Wrap

Good night #2

Holy cow - we had another good night! We started Stasa's bedtime routine at 8:45 PM with her bath. After bath came bottle and then she got swaddled and rocked to sleep. She finally fell asleep around 9:30 PM. I went to bed around 11:00 PM thinking that Stasa would be up again around 2:00 AM. Imagine my surprise when Stasa didn't wake up until 5:40 AM!

She slept through the night!

Now, I know this is probably a fluke since most babies don't sleep through the night until they're 2 months old. Well, we'll continue with the same bedtime routine each night. If anything it'll give me some "me" time at night. Wish us luck!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Happiest Baby

When we took our Baby Care class we learned a few sleep tricks for babies - the 5 S's. These are from Dr. Karp's The Happiest Baby on the Block.
  • Swaddle
  • Side/Stomach Position
  • Shushing Sounds
  • Swinging
  • Sucking
We even watched a video that showed Dr. Karp using these 5 S's to calm a screaming baby. And it worked. A small part of me still thought it was all for show. But, not anymore. As soon as I have Stasa in a tight swaddle, I put her on her side in the colic hold and starting swinging and shushing her (and nursing if she needs it) and she's out like a light. Amazing. I'm definitely buying Dr. Karp's book for more tips. God bless the 5 S's.

Good night

Here's a video of Stasa from Sunday (no poops this time).

We had a pretty good night last night. Stasa went to bed for the night around 10:00 PM and stayed asleep until 2:30 AM. Then, after a couple of diaper changes a feedings, she slept until 8:15 AM. AND she woke up nicely - no crying or screaming. She was just laying there, still fully swaddled (I do a pretty tight swaddle) "talking" to herself. She didn't even fuss during her diaper change. I hope she's this good all day - we're visiting work and having lunch with Tom.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Bouncer

I bought a Fisher Price Calming Vibrations bouncer today with some gift cards Stasa got. Well after it was put together we tried it out. I nursed her until she fell asleep and then quickly transferred her to the bouncer. So far, so good.

Uh oh, she's stirring - I pray that she stays calm and doesn't scream (she's been having a tough day). Okay, she seems to be content in the chair and is just looking around.

And here comes the crying. Luckily I managed to wolf down my lunch before she got started. So now I've got an unhappy baby.
Good thing I'm quick with my Ultimate Wrap - it's the one thing that will ALWAYS calm her down.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Torpedo warning

Listen very carefully and you'll be able to hear Stasa torpedoing in her diaper (it's when she gets the serious look on her face). Stasa, I apologize in advance for posting your poops online.

4 weeks old

Stasa is 4 weeks old today. When did my baby get so big? She's even starting to outgrow some of her newborn outfits. And she just gets cuter every day.

Thea Loula

Stasa met her Thea Loula last night. She can't wait to meet Crazy Uncle Matt, Andreas and Alex.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Daddy daughter time

She loves hanging out with her daddy.

Sleeping beauty

She's so sweet and peaceful when she's asleep. It makes me want to cuddle with her all day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Grumpy face

"Moooom, leave me alone! I'm trying to sleep!"

First play date

Stasa and I had our first play date today at the Dulles Town Center. We met up with Amy and her 6 week old son, Henry, for coffee and a walk. It was a lot of fun - Stasa and Henry slept the whole time, but it was nice getting out of the house and meeting another mom. Plus I had my first caffeinated coffee since before I was pregnant. Stasa even wore a new outfit - her brown corduroys and pink onesie. The pacifier lasted long enough for the picture and then she spit it out.

I bought a couple of things for Stasa while we were out - a shirt that says Daddy's Honey Bunny and some abominable snowman booties - they're super cute - white and fluffy.

Morning tummy time

Here's some of Stasa's morning tummy time. I tried getting her lifting her head on camera, but she wouldn't cooperate. She really kicks her legs as if she's trying to crawl. I have a feeling she'll be a carpet shark soon.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

YiaYia's Little Angel

Today Stasa tried out one of the bibs that YiaYia made for her. She kept trying to "help" me put it on her.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pacifier fail

In desperation I tried the pacifier today. Big time fail. Here's my proof.

Stasa shorts

Auditioning for the role of baby: Anastasia Lee Merkel

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cuddle bug

I love cuddle time with Stasa. =]

3 Weeks Old

Stasa is 3 weeks old today. She's been more alert lately, especially at 3:00 AM, which is always fun. I can't wait until she starts smiling and giggling. Well, she does smile now, but it's usually because she's doing some business in her diaper. I love that Stasa is finally enjoying her swing because it gives me a safe place to put her when I need a minute to eat or go to the bathroom.

Semi naked baby

Look at our cute half naked baby girl.